Sunday, January 24, 2010

~Jan 24, 2010~

Leaving work this morning, the sun is rising, it is cold.....I take a snapshot of my workplace (The City Hospital) with my cell phone as I leave!

~Jan 23, 2010~

Rearranging her room for the 8th time this week!!!!

~Jan 22, 2010~

Chillin' in the window, watching the world go by!

~Jan 21, 2010~

Jack Frost made a visit last night! This is the view from my back deck this morning! Just beautiful!

~Jan 20, 2010~

It was like spring today! Really got me into the "spring cleaning" mood! Fans, light fixtures, floors, ....nooks and crannies got cleaned today! The evening was spent with the girls in the scraproom creating!

~Jan 19, 2010~

It's too cold to pee outside!!!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

~Jan 18, 2010~

After dinner, a great time to just relax and read! Here is a pic Brooklyn enjoying her latest book!

~Jan 17, 2010~

Family time on a Sunday, just hanging out! All smiles for the camera!

~Jan 16, 2010~

The cheering squad after the Volleyball game on Saturday!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

~Jan 15, 2010~

Zoe...not too impressed this morning! Sorry pup, but you were really needing a bath!

~Jan 14, 2010~

Wow, two weeks into my Project 365! I'm impressed that I've actually taken a picture a day! I know they don't get posted timely...but eventually they get posted!

On this day, I was up early getting ready for work! The lunch bags for the day all line up on the counter! Mom to work, the girls to school....Taylor ended up staying home and heading to the doctors with Daddy! Time for antibiotics, earache was terrible this morning!

~Jan 13, 2010~

A relaxing day today! A great friend comes over for a visit, unfortunately Taylor is still not feeling well! Had a wonderful visit catching up and I did warn them...they'd be photo of the day!!! Thanks for coming over's always fun visiting with ya!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

~Jan 12, 2010~

I love my days off! I especially love the mornings when I can sip my coffee, check my emails and favorite forums and have Regis & Kelly chit chatting in the backround!

~Jan 11, 2010~

Home from school! "Baking cookies will make me feel better!" here is pic of the day...making yummy chocolate chip cookies!

~Jan 10, 2010~

Sick, feverish, really not feeling well....but she can still smile that gorgeous smile!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

~Jan 9, 2010~

Runner up gold medalists!!! The team played amazing!

Friday, January 8, 2010

~Jan 8, 2010~

The first Volleyball tournament of the year! Won one of the three games played! Back for more games tomorrow!

~Jan 7, 2010~

My typical early morning! Enough said....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~Jan 6, 2010~

Did some shopping with a friend and her little man today! Had lunch with my favourite 2 year old!!! Photo coming as soon as I figure out how to get it off my new cell phone.'s Jan 15th..finally bought a card for my camera to get the photos on here!!!

~Jan 5, 2010~

Doctors, Costco then napping today! Now I'm up late into the night wide awake taking down the Christmas decorations. I think I put it off long enough! Okay, the bin for the tree decorations (a mix of old and new) is almost packed!

Monday, January 4, 2010

~Jan 4, 2010~

First day back to school....back to the homework! Taylor describing one of her favorite times during the holidays! She chose to write about New Years Dinner at my parents house!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

~Jan 3, 2010~

I woke up at 6:30 pm today!!!! Whoa....must have needed that sleep after working four 12 hour night shifts in a row! So now I am wide awake debating on which I should do first! Put away Christmas decorations or start organizing my new scrap goodies in my scraproom!

The Clip It Up organizing won!!!

Here is the pic of the day! Mmmmm Thickers by colour!

~Jan 2, 2010~

I don't know why Santa only brought the refill packages of PixO's!???? Maybe he didn't quite know what this toy was! So, off to Walmart we went after the Boxing Day rush to pick up the kit with the special PixOs pen and trays. The girls have been having fun making magnets, keychains and their own designs! This was on the kitchen table today when I woke up after a night shift! Cuteness! Brooklyn made this one!

Friday, January 1, 2010

~Jan 1, 2010~
As I am at work, taking a quick break to watch the ball drop at midnight....I call home to wish everyone a Happy New Year (...and make sure to remind them to snap a photo!) Here is the photo snapped at Midnight!!!!

My Goal!

I am looking forward to the New Year with many more photos to create scrapbooks with for my family to enjoy! So, I start this blog to document 365 days of the year with 365 photos! My goal is to take a photo each day to represent a year in our life! How fun it will be at the end of the year to look back and reminisce about 2010!

Happy New Year!!!